05 February, 2008

who saw that coming?!

Certainly not the Pats, that's for sure. But you know despite the fact that I was sort of rooting for the Patriots, I had 2 requirements for a successful Superbowl experience fulfilled. First, it was a great game with no real foreshadowing as to the outcome. Second, the halftime show kicked ass. Tom Petty was, by far, the best choice they have made in years. Can't go wrong there.

And while I am disappointed that the perfect season was tarnished, I'm happy for the Giants. It really wouldn't have mattered to me who had the perfect run going, I just like the idea of having something so seemingly unattainable come through to fruition.

If I were the other team though, I'd be itching and clawing to get on the field so that I could be the one to take it away, and that kind of motivation is just so consuming, that you could see it all over the Giants on the field. They wanted that championship and they fought for it. And for once, Eli Manning had an expression on his face; something other than a vacant stare. That alone is a reason to celebrate.

I celebrated by drinking my weight in beer and I'm paying for it now, so I think I'm going to be spending some quality time staring at the back of my eyelids. I must note my sadness at the end of the football season, though. I will miss it.

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