02 February, 2008


I came in, showered, put on my purple, snowflake-fairy pajama pants that my friend made me and sat down. I was sooooo ready to write and I had started crafting this brilliant narrative in my head.

Then I actually got home. Then I had a handful of Milk Duds to chase the beer, a couple of glasses of water and my eyelids hooked up to the daredevils base jumping off of my cheeks, and now here I sit, barganing with my peepers to remain open juuuust long enough to finish the sentence. Just a second longer, while I pour some more water and try, desperately to follow any of the 43 trains of thought that came to hang out over the last 6 or so hours.

Fuuuuuuuuuuuck. No dice. Now I will just tell you that I will have to pick this shit back up on Monday night, because who are we kidding.....even if I find some axe to grind tomorrow, I'll be too drunk to give a shit, since 4 hours of pregaming are mandated in order to have a decent seat for the game. Gotta get my drinking rest.

go pats.

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