19 November, 2007

road rage

About 8 years ago, I had this idea.

Seems I could have made a million dollars had I bought HTML For Dummies. Silly me.

But now you know....you can report all of the assholes you come across on the freeway. You can post their information and offense on the web for millions of other angry drivers to read and digest. Perhaps they will even make themselves aware of the vehicle in question so they may give the driver the bird, on your behalf. Hell, you may even be able to find a support group of people who can help you deal with the frustration you feel from interacting with scores of bad drivers.

I'm now going to invent a site for people who cannot walk down the damn sidewalk without obstructing as many other people's paths as possible. Perhaps using my energy to develop a website about them will somehow keep me from tripping them and then standing over them laughing.

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