16 August, 2007


i find the online aspect of my journaling follies to be quite interesting and random. so random in fact, that i'm concerned about finding a point of view. must one have a clear topic trunk from which stories seem to branch out? must the postings all tie into the main theme at some point?

I ask only because a) no one reads this so i'm forced to wonder why i actually have this question in the first place, and b) i don't think i have the attention span necessary to carry out a task of that sort. the fact that i'm writing about it at all is something i find quite curious. then again, in appreciation of the greater picture, i don't think that having a clear point of view is even socially demanded anymore, so i can get away with having the attention span of a gnat.

think about it. everything comes to us in bites now. sound bytes, brownie bites, bug bites....okay the last one was inspired by the mosquito bite on the instep of my foot that is currently driving me nuts, but even when reading or listening to the news, you get your world handed to you by the spoonful. nice, small bites to accommodate your busy schedule and lack of interest in the bigger picture. i'm sure this formula is well-accepted in the red states. no one seems to want to get deep anymore; outside of the porn industry anyway. we are all so insulated by our daily lives from the events and crises going on in the world that just knowing that something is going on somewhere seems to be enough.

does this mean that having a point of view is now blase? perhaps not, because in my travels i have found that there are still intelligent beings on this planet, you just have to slog through a sea of idiocy to find those who have some interest in how and why things got the way they are - relative to any subject. it's almost jarring when i meet one of these creatures because i almost don't know what to do when i've met them. i feel like maybe i'm going to come off a little crazy or aggressive because i'm so enthralled by someone who not only has an opinion, but has the metal capacity to make reference to specific events or experiences which helped to shape it. a real, live person who wants to understand the world and who sees it from a different, new and articulated standpoint. i'm getting a little excited just thinking of the prospect.

but, i digress. since all i've managed to do here is dissect a subject of curiosity without having a clear path of my own, i suppose i'm part of my own, aforementioned frustration. today, anyway. and where writing is concerned, who gives a fuck, anyway? it's only online because i can type faster than i can write, so if i lack a direction, i welcome myself to flog me for such an offense anytime.

i should probably start embracing capital letters at some point, too.

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