01 December, 2008

diet starts with die

So I've been on this "diet" for the last 2 weeks, and it is scheduled to continue into perpetuity. It's not a humongous, life-altering change in my eating habits, which are actually good. It's more an elimination of a few items, to be enjoyed only as a last resort or rare addition, none of which I will miss very much. It's designed to help my stupid foot and shoulder improve and stop hurting me to the point of inactivity.

My metabolism is at ZERO right now. Zero as in, it can't possibly get any slower.

I haven't lost any weight on this "diet", in fact, things have sort of gone the other way, but I'm not pulling the plug on it, because I'm trying steady state today, to see how my little paw feels after I've been on the spin bike for 45 minutes or so.

My point in mentioning this however, is to note that both yesterday and on Thanksgiving day, I strayed from my new regimen and ate: items containing gluten; dairy, pre-packaged / processed items; alcohol. I woke up this morning to an achy shoulder and foot.

Coincidence? I think not.

Nothing better than feeling abnormally large AND horrifyingly sedentary before falling asleep. Lucky for me, falling asleep to a food coma means.....yup you guessed it.....waking up at 3am to feel it some more. Awesome.

So I guess now would be just as good a time as any, to mention how much I hate it that people poop on the sidewalk.

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