29 September, 2008


That's how it comes out sounding when a friend of mine says the word stupid.

Did you know that it costs us $10 BILLION dollars A MONTH for this ridiculous war in Iraq? That's not counting Afghanistan.

Several people have said that we are "winning". Winning what? Who, exactly is winning? The taxpayers of the US? Uh....no.....

O, then the citizens of Iraq must be winning, right? Uh....no again.

It must be then, that the soldiers and the military personnel are going gangbusters with excitement over how they are winning. Hmm....wrong again.

Do you really think, mister and missus politicker, that just because you use the words "win" and "victory", that you will somehow fleece us all again? I mean, there were those who fell for it the first time, the fewer who fell for it in some subsequent times, and the rest of us who saw it all as the bullshit that it was right from the get.

The jig is up. This war and everything that has come with it, is a bunch of bullshit and a quagmire.

The truth? It's all stupid and we all lose. Yay to the Bush's though, those guys know how to spend a dollar.

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