03 September, 2008


My first question has nothing to do with anything, but I'd really like to know....is it possible to hit the refresh button so many times that it breaks or refuses to cooperate? I'm putting a severe strain on mine and I'm afraid it's going to just quit in protest.

So anyway.....in an effort to stay busy and keep my mind off of things, I went over to a friend's house tonight to watch the premier episode of 90210. See, back when I was in high school, that show was quite popular and into my early college years, I watched it and made fun of it, every Wednesday with about 20 of my teammates. We had the serious room and the normal room and those of us in the normal room had a pizza making competition and then rolled our eyes and laughed at the absurdity of the lives portrayed on the show.

Theoretically, that was supposed to be happening tonight. What happened, however, is that I will never get those two hours back. I feel somewhat violated by the awfulness of the writing, acting and programming. Serves me right. So those two hours, while enjoyable with friends, were two hours where I was really tired and probably could have peacefully passed out....but no. I squandered them and now here I lie, once again, awake; only this time I've visions of Brenda and Kelly and that guy that Kelly was dating at the end of the first run, who is now somehow the principal of the school, even though he showed up a week late because he had to drive from Kansas, with his two kids who not only go to the school, but have adjoining bedrooms, just like the first series. Oi.

I just threw up a little in my mouth again.

1 comment :

Anonymous said...

I've only seen clips, but I barely recognized Kelly. Her whole face is different. Guess that's how one ages in Hollywood ...

- k