24 June, 2012


Stared into an amazing pair for about 15 hours.  They were attached to a host of other amazing features and I'm reeling a little bit, from the most awesome 'reverse date' I've had in years.  Actually, I don't know that I have had a reverse date before, but generally as dates go, this one went beyond swimmingly.  Okay, that's personal enough for this forum.  


DC continues to slowly let out little tidbits that affirm my choices lately.  Things that are trickling out here and there, challenging me, pushing me, rewarding me, showing me that there are a lot of great things and people out there and that my desire for a slice of the happy pie is totally within my reach.  I am currently temping at a company I am incredibly interested in working for.  This place fulfills my desire to stay in finance, but it has a soul.  Oxymoron?  Turns out there are a collection of people in the world with big plans for how to bring the severely impoverished up in the world and still maintain themselves a comfortable living.  Penthouse not required.  I am happy to go in to work at this place and excited at the prospect of future involvement in something bigger and better than myself.

I am intrigued by the consistent smile and calloused hands of a person I genuinely like.

I am stoked as hell that two separate sets of friends are only weeks or months, respectively, from making it official and beginning their legally bound journey of growing old together, as I know both will. 

And last but certainly not least, I'm petrified and elated to be ripping holes into my hands and putting my lats, hamstrings and lungs into a pain cave.  Rowing is like nothing else in the world and the pain is only outmatched by the rush and intensity of the pleasure of accomplishment.

The combination of awesomeness leaves me with a shit-eating grin on my face and a fire in my belly.  I want more.  Lots, lots, more.

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