12 August, 2009

bailin palin

Sarah Palin is just dumb.

I could stop there, because that pretty much encompasses it, but I won't. When I first offered up an opinion, albeit at the request of people who wondered what I would be thinking about this huntin', fishin', down home gal, I was gentle. Nice even.

That's because she hadn't really had any challenges yet and she hadn't really started to talk about anything of substance. Then came the foreign policy experience because of a "maritime border" with Russia - despite never having had a passport in her life. Then there was the Katie Couric interview, which pretty much cemented her status as a liability for John McCain, and then there was the huffing and the fussing because she didn't get to make a concession speech, - after she tanked his campain - too.
She thrust herself into the limelight and tap-danced a quick number on the national stage, thinking that 2012 would be her oyster if she did it. Saying to herself in the mirror at night, "Wow, they love me. They reeeaaallly love me!" But you know who 'they' are in that case?

I'll tell you. They are the fucking morons who think that George Bush was a good idea. They are the ones who have no concept of what is going on in the rest of the world and have decided that anyone who speaks a different language or clings to a different god is somehow an evil-doer. They are the bible-thumping-second-grade-education-having-gas-guzzler-driving-gun-toting-no-traveling weirdos that seem to populate parts of this country where I shudder to even pass though.

So she's a tough broad in the outdoorsy sense. She's from fucking Alaska, people. I'm pretty sure there ain't a lot else to do up there, and they've probably only had electricity in her town for a couple decades, so at some point, it was all a result of needing to survive. I am no longer impressed.

The last straw though, was quitting her noble job as governor, so she could "focus on making change". I'm sorry, but wasn't it her that said the only way to affect change in the government is to be IN government? Yeah, I'm pretty sure that was her. But now that people call her names and have exposed her for the attractive little dumbass she is, she doesn't want to play anymore and is declaring "freedom from politics as usual". Good gravy.

I think ultimately it is indeed the best thing for the people of her state, because she can't abandon them to traipse off and declare anything else, anymore. Now, the good people of Alaska can turn back to the simple, if not slightly obscure lives and talk about back in the day when this crazy bird got some big ideas that were too much for her tiny mind and lack of experience.

Perhaps she can do some international policy negotiation by shouting her ideas across to the Russkies from the peninsula. That Putin could use a good talking to, dontcha know!

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