08 May, 2009


I'm the amazing girl that can be exhausted as fuck, after a long workout and still be sitting up with racing thoughts at 1am. Looookattergo.

Like right now, I am marveling at how many drugs ad executives must be on. There is some amazing and creative stuff out there, not to mention some killer graphics, and I do dare say that there must also have been some great e or mushrooms, or potent weed.

I said this about Lewis Carroll one time. I - who actually was Alice in the feature length play put on by Mrs. Stegge's 1-3 grade GATE class - I was in about my sophomore year of high school at the time, and it occurred to me as we studied the effects of psychotropic drugs on the brain, that indeed, many of the childhood fictions that I enjoyed, were enjoyed by a host of free-spirited adults for a whole 'nother set of reasons. I verbalized this to my mother one day while we made dinner.

She told me that I must be the one on drugs, if I would challenge the creative genius of such endeared artists. I maintained that while I did not challenge the genius or artistry in Lewis Carroll's works, I did have well-founded challenge to his sobriety. In effort to watch her head spin around, I busted on Aesop and Dr. Seuss, to boot.

She didn't speak to me for two days.

When you see an ad that really only loosely fits the product being sold, but is odd and meant to "stay with you" in that sort of je ne sais quoi way, the person who thought of it was loaded one night on any one of a variety of substances, all of which will produce a new electrical experience in the brain and are purportedly quite fun. Now that's a way to work!

What this has to do with nerve disorders, illegitimate children and the price of rent in Manhattan is, well, up for discussion. It has killed a decent amount of time in the analysis, at least.

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