12 March, 2008

tomorrow and today

Today 2 things will happen.

Someone I like will go for something really big and will almost definitely blow the fucking doors off of the joint with his talent and poise. I will cheer until my lungs are out of wind.

Then, what no one will see, is that someone I love will have been behind the whole show and that person will learn from today, and will know that the instincts had about the activity performed are right on.

Both people will take a fantastic, evolutionary step and the world will go on as it should. But the bigger deal is that 2 souls will be fed full of what they have been searching for, for a long, long time. And after they are fed, they will be so hungry for more, that on their respective paths, no one will ever be able to close a gate or a door or a vault, ever again. Because this road is, and will always be, wide open for any and all who want to enter, have athletic success and overall happiness enter their sport, their psyche and their world.

I am proud of two people today, and for one of them, I would change the orbit of the earth, if needed.

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