15 April, 2013


I have few words tonight, after watching the absolute horror that occurred today when two bombs went off during the Boston Marathon.  Boston is a city I hold dear to my heart.  I lived there, went to school there, wandered its streets, rowed on its river, played and lounged in its parks.  The Boston Marathon is one I hope to run, one day. 

I feel fortunate that all of my friends up there have checked in and are safe, but having lived just a few blocks from where the blast occurred, my heart just breaks for the city, the runners and all those who traveled great distances to participate in what has - for 116 years - been one of the greatest days of the year to be in that beautiful, quaint city. 

I know that our better humanity will prevail and that people will band together to care for one another and help each other heal.  I just loathe that it always takes such grave tragedy to produce this kind of beauty. 

I love you, Boston.

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