20 March, 2013

trough of youth

Ah children.  Lovely little germ factories of cuteness and screaming.

I visited with several of those, while on my vacation last week and they generously bestowed upon me a combination of their various illnesses and exposures, leading me to be pajama ridden and knocked into submission, at present.  A friend of mine says that a day with kids is the ultimate form of birth control.  I waffle on that sentiment.  One thing I can say with total confidence however, is that millenials confuse, annoy and amaze me, all at the same time.

I guess I know I'm old because I'm at the point of saying "when I was that age" and "kids today......".  But seriously, the peaks of intelligence, awareness and acceptance go ever higher, leaving me duly impressed with what it will be possible to achieve in the future, with minds like these already at work.

And then they speak.  Maybe not the brainiacs of the millenial generation, but the rest of them.  Holy shit.  They are SO rude, SO obtuse, SO entitled, SO shrieky, SO irritatingly snotty.  The trough, friends, has deepened and pulled these attention deficit-ridden nightmares o so deep into it's morass that it is hard even to peer over the edge for fear of falling in from vertigo.  They hurt my brain.  I'm starting to think that getting smacked in the mouth for being a smartass wasn't such a bad thing.  Is it wrong to smack other peoples' kids in the mouth?  I mean, the germs are bad enough, but there's not a lot I can do about that part......

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