28 May, 2012

well then

I just finished watching about 5 hours of classical music / Olympic highlights.   Seriously.  We sat here for 5 hours and just jumped from one to the next, to the next.  How anyone could not love both of those things, is beyond me.  It's not long until the Olympics begin and once again, I will sit, as I've done for my entire remembered life, and watch athletes compete in what is inarguably the greatest series of sporting contests the world has or will ever know.  There will be plenty more of that to come, though, and my emotional investment stands only to intensify, so I'll save the dramatics for when the games arrive.  Suffice it to say though, romantic comedies, touching acts of humanity and broken limbs cannot even begin to elicit the tears and emotion that a hard fought contest and medal ceremony can pull from the depths of my soul.

But enough o that.  I've had quite a two weeks.  My apartment building caught on fire (which was fantastic for the fireman eye-candy), I made a well-received joke in french, about which I am still gloating, I have caught up on several years of missed vitamin D, and I had an insanely annoying and unfortunate series of texts and emails from an ex.  Actually, in the scheme of things, THE ex.  The ultimate asshole.  The one who gave me the gift of giving up on love.  Don't go feeling bad right about now, it was truly a gift to see that loyalty can only take you so far in any situation and that it's best to cut and run, rather than stay with someone who has no capacity to care for anyone but themselves, despite any declarations to the contrary.  His insane selfishness, destructive nature, completely misplaced and unearned arrogance, horrible bedroom skills and general disdain for anyone he thought he could beat up taught me the most valuable series of lessons I've learned in quite some time.

I was actually being kind, just there, believe it or not.  Farilz.  I'd honestly rather have had my entrails pulled out - with me fully conscious - and then been strangled with them, than talk to or hear from him, but it's amazing what delusion will do to a man who thinks a woman is a doormat and a sucker, so it was actually a pleasure for me to stick up for myself and actually say "I hate you", when contacted unnecessarily and under fabricated circumstances.  I'm not prone to this kind of anger, resentment or verbal assault, but this is the proof:  the fuse is very, very long, but man are you fucked if you get to the end of it.

And since despite my efforts to keep my new location from him and despite his blatant lies that anyone I know would deign to contact him and blow the cover of my disappearance from a city that I loved and that I actually LIVED in for the better part of a decade, it turns out I kind of love DC.  This place is open, fresh, has a sky to daydream into and water to play on and friends I've so missed seeing on the regular.  Oh, and boys.  Good god are there lots of incredibly smart boys who come in my size, shape, color and with my kind of big stuff (brains, etc...), here.  This is gonna be fun.

That aside, all of the ballyhoo has shown me that I've absolutely made the right decisions since last year.  I cut the anchor, uprooted myself, flushed out the bullshit that was clogging my system and have evolved, yet again.  Yeah, me, me, me.  But you know what?  It's my fucking blog and it's about time.

That being said, one of the things that has impressed me about DC is the opportunity to donate time to good causes and help take care of others who may not be able to do many things that I can help with, by themselves.  This place - despite the overwhelming number of lawyers and their ilk - has a very charitable and community-minded soul.  I'm in the right place, for the time being.

So here it is.  Welcome to me, DC.  And thank you for welcoming me to you....I think we're gonna get along pretty well, despite the rules. 

And yes, it really is 4:19 and there are birds chirping.  I promised I'd stop with these shenanigans, but it seems old habits die hard.  Don't they, bob?

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