23 March, 2010


I have nothing to write about tonight. How about that? Finally have all of the necessary resources including time, and nary a stray thought to pin down. Insane.

This must be the result of spending so much time reading about strategies and inefficient markets. I no longer have thoughts. I am at an intake-only point in my life, apparently. I don't actually know what that means, but that's neither here nor there.

All I know is that slowly, the world is looking very different to me and my curiosity is somewhat motivating to actually get more shit done than is currently done. Meaning I did get a lot of shit done and now it's time for the next wave. But I'm inching toward peace of mind, and that seems quite promising too, so it's all looking okay, for the most part.

I'm not even going to scout for the booby trap right now, I'm just going to keep my eyes open and see what happens. I've already lost enough limbs, so I ain't scurr'd....the tree is still kickin.

This made no sense.


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