08 April, 2009


i am horrified that i am choosing to comment on this, but fuck it...i don't have a lot else going on at the moment, and considering the odds of me being one of those are about as great as any random 5 girls in orange county having real boobs, here i go.

watching the real housewives of oc was my guilty pleasure for a while. i know a hundred women like each one of them. but now we are onto trash-lanta and now jersey? i mean....jersey? really? must we continue to stoop? i mean what's next? the real housewives of revere, mass.?

i saw the preview for the real housewives of the armpit of the east coast and i'm really just kinda horrified. at least this time though, they found an entire family of idiots to exlpoit, so i'll probably watch it. plus they all seem to think they are out of the sopranos, which i've never seen, but know enough about to recognize the imitation.

okay, ol' negative nancy over here is going to continue to stare at the high ceiling and thank god that she'll never be housewife-ing it up. for that, i am grateful. i may be broke and single, but at least i'm not tragic and trashy.

i may also begin shunning caps again, just for the helluvit. the lame posts will end soon, i promise. i feel the edge coming back.

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